Improvement comes at quite a price-- a change fee. How does the airline ticket change fee shed light on the challenges of changing or not changing?
Recently (like…yesterday), I rolled out a new website. As many marketing and web experts already know, new websites have a way of clarifying mission, vision, ideal clients, business processes, and grammar! Change is hard! Even if the new solution is an improvement, it comes at quite a price-- a change fee. I am...
Not only did NASA send a crew to the moon, they returned safely with less computing power than I have on my wrist! Learn how to win YOUR "space race".
I admire the scientists, technicians, and astronauts that worked on the first orbits of the earth and the lunar landings. Did you know I have more RAM, processing speed, and storage space on my Apple Watch than Apollo 11 had in 1969. Fifty years ago, the computer on board the lunar module computer, called Apollo Guidance...
Geographical boundaries are limitless and access to people, infinite. What does it mean to be intentional about relationships, quirk, and service?
These days, we can meet people all over the world at the click of a button. According to Fusion, “550,000 miles of cable transmit 99% of international digital data”. That’s enough to circle the earth twenty-two times! If we have a complaint about virtual networking, it certainly isn’t because we...
Our identities can become enmeshed with our jobs. How does your job performance, business card, and work past contribute to your Professional Identity?
I had an Identity Crisis. Yes, there was a time when I couldn’t wait for people to ask me, “What do you do?” I would almost hyperventilate as I magnified my brilliant impact or bragged about my stellar accomplishments. I was my job. If you wanted to know me, you had to know my job. I like the...
Pronoid people are likable, capable and confident. Multipliers, expectations, and persistence empower their leadership and positive attitude.
I’m sure you’re familiar with the term paranoia: the belief that “the world” is out to get you. Admittedly, I’d never heard of its opposite: pronoia. Pronoia is the belief that “the world” is manipulating circumstances around you for your benefit. Though you may not subscribe to either...
Ditch the Elevator Pitch for Woodruff's Memory Dart, challenging you to distill your life's work into words that make you memorable and referable.
How’s your Elevator Pitch these days? A bit rusty? What about your 30-second Zoom introduction? First impressions made on the small screen are no less important than those made at a large networking event. Humans are very predictable; we want to hear something unique! We want a quick catch phrase that helps us...
Red flags forewarn of prickly leaders focused on short-term advantage, single-factor decisions, and self-preservation causing eroding support.
Just like sea urchins, people can seem warm and fuzzy, until you get too close. Let me explain… Beachgoers are familiar with the meaning of Beach Warning Flags. Green flags mean conditions are calm and it is safe to swim. Yellow flags signal caution, and a red flag implies high hazard. If you see two red...
Goals are attained one "lick" at a time. One failure, one victory at a time! Let's persevere through the "not knowing", enjoying the "now", and focus.
As a kid, my young peers and I proudly accepted the challenge set forth by Tootsie Roll, Inc: “How many licks does it take to reach the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?” I could get to fifteen or twenty licks before I’d start crunching my way through the yummy cherry-flavored candy to get to the soft...
In 1975, The O'Jays sang about "Livin' for the Weekend" Sound familiar? Ironically, there IS a better way. Taking breaks allow for more productivity!
Is it you? Are you the one with hunched shoulders and drooped head? The one who mopes around every weekday until Friday around noon? Then, after confirming a clean getaway, and with more enthusiasm displayed all week, you stuff papers into a dogeared folder, jam your laptop into its bag, collect the four thermoses you...
As an observer of vicious politics, I may need to be peeled off the ceiling. But, remember, office politics (born of scarcity) can be used for good!
First, let’s start with the premise that not all office politics are bad… Ok, if you are like me, you gonna want an explanation! In his Harvard Business Review article titled, The 4 Types of Organizational Politics, Michael Jarrett suggests that office politics, “when deployed effectively, can help...