Let’s reflect on the Leader’s Field Guides from 2021Q4. As we focus on “momentum”, how can you continuously recharge while driving forward?
It’s time for a review! Reflect on 2021Q4 and consider what you’ve incorporated into your leadership and what needs more attention. Think about how each topic challenges you to reflect on your drive and motivation over the last three months. What role are energy levels and focused action...
How many emissions tests would it take to get my license plate stickers renewed? I took a number of tests that day-- would you have passed?
In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency is at the “forefront of developing clean automotive technology and designing programs to reduce and prevent air pollution.”1 Since I drive a car that is not at the forefront of preventing air pollution, I submit my vehicle to an emissions test every two years. Which is...
Why is slowing down so counter-intuitive, especially when we are trying to hurry up? Here’s what I discovered during my windsurfing lessons.
“Ok, bring it in!” I could barely hear Luis’s voice over the wind and crashing surf in my ears, but I saw his unmistakable hand motions (and now, exaggerated arm motions) beckoning me back to shore! I thought for sure Luis was going to ask me to hang up my life vest and hit the hammocks! No, quite the...
Can you relate to being exhausted, discouraged, or alone in your work? Find out how these reasons for being off-mission can be addressed.
I remember hiking to the summit of Longs Peak in Colorado. The hike is characterized by the U.S. National Park Service as a 15-mile round trip climb that “crosses enormous sheer vertical rock faces, often with falling rocks, requiring scrambling [and] has narrow ledges, loose rock, and steep cliffs.”1 My backpack felt...
When you hear the flapping of leather wings getting louder, it’s time to learn new skills, build more trust, and exert self-leadership.
I have been WAAAYYY out of my comfort zone of late. So far out, that when I turn around to find it, or even tell you what it was like-- I can’t see it or describe it. Ok, maybe that is a bit melodramatic, but I’m sure you can relate to a full schedule, new challenges, and the tug of tasks you have not yet mastered. My...
Let’s reflect on the Leader’s Field Guides from 2021Q3. As we focus on “planning”, how does better forecasting impact our success and calm?
It’s time for a review! Reflect on 2021Q3 and consider what you’ve incorporated into your leadership and what needs more attention. Think about how each topic challenges you to reflect on your forecasting and scheduling over the last three months. What role are expectations and surprises...
The Great Resignation marks a massive exodus of workers seeking trust, significance, and engagement. Uncover the impact of the WFH movement.
The word resignation has a few meanings. The most common usage defines the act of retiring or giving up a position. Resignation also identifies the document conveying someone's intention of retiring. …And, resignation can describe the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable. These days, employers are discovering...
Discover how Star Trek’s Kobayashi Maru, a no-win training scenario, challenges us to reconsider dated decision trees and break the rules!
Star Trek’s Kobayashi Maru is a fictional training simulation known to be a no-win scenario. One Starfleet Academy cadet took the test three times before reprogramming the parameters and ultimately solving the unsolvable. We’ve all experienced the lose-lose dilemma. Sometimes, it is even of our own making, like an...
What takes precedence over hurdling to the edge of space with 3 others making history? Let’s explore tips for resolving calendar conflicts.
When we buy tickets for an event, whether we are planning to attend a concert or take a plane flight, we are fairly committed to using the tickets-- especially if it is something we are eagerly anticipating. We feel even more obligated if we spend a lot of money. What would you do if you had a scheduling conflict after paying...
What happens when you plan to compete at the Olympics and your teammate is disqualified? Get insights from a professional volleyball player.
My husband and I travel to Mexico for volleyball vacations. The week-long event includes tournaments of many types and clinics taught by professional beach volleyball players. We also take excursions and share meals with the pro’s. On several occasions, we’ve enjoyed tacos and conversation with the 6’7” Jake...
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